What problems do the authors face while writing?
The development of society and the civilization that you now see in the society is largely dependent on the books that authors used to write and the readers used to read and add to the collection of books that they had in library. The books are still written by the famous authors but most of them become a part of an online library. The trend of writing books is rapidly declining and people like using the audio visual files on the internet to gather all the information they need. The life of the present age has become so fast and competitive that the people have no time left to write books as a hobby or to entertain people. There are many writers out there who are still trying to write books but most of the books that they write are for the marketing of big and small businesses and are called eBooks. What problems do the authors face while writing? There are a number of factors that keep an author from writing books no matter how much he wants to share his thoughts. CONSTANT DISTR...